Clinical Skills Online (CSO)
CSO is aimed at providing online videos demonstrating core procedural and communication skills common to a wide range of medical and health-based courses. These videos are freely available to anyone using them for educational, personal and non-commercial purposes.
Interactive Clinical Image (ICI)
ICIs are resources designed to assist learners in developing their interpretation skills of clinical images. ICIs allow students to digitally mark-up and annotate clinical images, such as ECGs, X-rays, CT Scans etc, and then compare their annotation to that of the expert.
Advantage: By comparing their annotations with the expert, learners are able to assess their own performance and receive instant feedback on their performance.
More information here.
St George’s, University of London have implemented MyProgress, an e-Portfolio tool developed by MyKnowledgeMap, which allows learners to complete assessments electronically using mobile devices and to keep a record of their progress and achievements. The implemented system is designed to allow learners to complete workplace-based assessments while on clinical attachments. The aim of the project was to foster increased student engagement with learning, reflection, assessment and planning activities, as well to facilitate institutional monitoring of learning and control of program accreditation processes.
Progress so far: Following a series of pilots, the system has been implemented in the transition and penultimate years of the MBBS medicine course, and across the BSc Diagnostic Radiography and BSc Therapeutic Radiography courses. The system has also been used to facilitate the delivery of the St George’s Award co-curricular programme for recognising student achievements.
More information here.