ECG Genius
The ECG Genius app is an interactive tool, aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students to help develop and test their knowledge on ECG interpretation. The application has a ‘Tutorial’ mode that enables students to interpret ECGs and also a ‘Game’ mode which enables the students to choose between two quiz difficulty levels to test their knowledge on ECG interpretation.
More information here.
The Genetics Counselling App (TGCA)
The Genetics Counselling App is a visual, interactive and educational tool for Genetic Counsellors/Practitionners, Geneticists, related healthcare professionals, and GCSE to postgraduate students.
Content: The app gives a visual explanation of chromosomes from body to gene level. The app highlights the most common types of Mendelian inheritance through a number of animations. Furthermore, the app explains some common genetics tests and links out to useful information on different inheritances and general medical genetics websites.
More information here.
The RevisePsych App primarily assists undergraduate students with learning and revising psychiatry material and also makes resources easily accessible on the go. The app covers areas such as, Psychiatric assessments, Diagnosis, Treatments and Services.
Have a look at the RevisePsych website for more information.
The Virtual Patient Authoring App is an app that will allow academics and teachers to create Virtual Patient scenarios that can be delivered to students with ease. The App will allow authors to share content with other peers to co-author or review their cases. The ability to author cases via an app authoring tool reduces costs for institutions and eliminates the need for high institutional licenses for online authoring tools.
More information here.
MedEdCases is a public St George’s mobile application accessible for the iPhone/ iPod Touch/ iPad and Android devices, now available to download on the App store, and Google Play. The application is based on the Virtual Patient (VP) concept, and allows users to easily search, download, and play the VP medical cases at their leisure.
Designed, developed and created by: e-Learning Unit and Intelligent Business Optimisation System Solutions (iBOS Solutions)
MedEdEthics is a public SGUL mobile application, based on the Virtual patient (VP) concept. It is a collection of medical ethical and legal scenarios aimed to provoke thinking around ethico-legal decision making that imitates the real clinical setting.
Aimed at: providing additional learning experience for students pursuing Medical Ethics and Law in their undergraduate/postgraduate curriculum.
Designed, developed and created by: e-Learning Unit and Intelligent Business Optimisation System Solutions (iBOS Solutions)
More information here.
MedAssess is a public St George’s iPhone/iPod touch/iPad application based on Virtual Patient (VP) concept. Students can easily search, download and play Virtual Patient cases at their leisure.
Aimed at: medical and healthcare undergraduate students
Purpose: to deliver a suite of interactive formative assessment VPs to compliment Problem-Based Learning cases each week and to address the learning objectives of the week. By completing the cases students have a better and broader understanding of the subject area.
More information here.
eBooks are a relatively recent phenomenon in terms of being used as a revision tool and being fully interactive, engaging and compatible with multiple devices. Here at ELU, we have helped students who have chosen to do their SSC on making an eBook on a certain field such as the eye. Depending on what software you use to make it, they can be cross compatible – such as using an epub file with Adobe Illustrator – which can be viewed on both Apple and Android devices, or if made using iAuthor it will only be able to be used on Apple devices.
Please watch the video on eBooks by Mohammed Amer for more information.