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Read the Final Project Report:
More about the PIVOTE open source software which was an output of the PREVIEW project:
“Learning from Online Worlds”:
“Learning from Online Worlds; Teaching in Second Life” is a research project at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, University of London.
MOOSE – Modelling of Second Life
The MOOSE project is a “Next Generation Technologies and Practices” project based on research, institutional development and the experience of student learning, carried out by the University of Leicester (lead partner) and The Open University (collaborating partner).
Open habitat:
Collaboration between the University of Oxford, Leeds Metropolitain University, King’s College London, and a number of consultants. The project generated solutions to the challenges of teaching, learning and collaboration in Multi-User Virtual Environments.
Pattern Language Networks:
The project developed a system to support a community of HE practitioners, who are using Web 2.0 in assessment, learning and teaching, to capture and share their examples of good practice as patterns.