Woodham, LA., Poulton, E., Jivram, T., Kavia, S., Sesé Hernández, A., Sahakian, CS. and Poulton, T. Evaluation of student and Tutor response to the simultaneous implementation of a new PBL curriculum in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, based on the medical curriculum of St George’s, University of London. 2017. MEFANET Journal 2017; 5(1): 19-27 http://mj.mefanet.cz/mj-20160514 |
Woodham, LA., Ellaway, RH., Round, J., Vaughan, S., Poulton, T. and Zary, N. Medical Student and Tutor Perceptions of Video Versus Text in an Interactive Online Virtual Patient for Problem-Based Learning: A Pilot Study. 2015. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(6):e151. |
Poulton, Terry., Ellaway, Rachel H., Round, Jonathan., Jivram, Trupti., Kavia, Sheetal., Hilton, Sean., 2014. Exploring the Efficacy of Replacing Linear Paper-Based Patient Cases in Problem-Based Learning With Dynamic Web-Based Virtual Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(11):e240. http://www.jmir.org/2014/11/e240/ |
Ellaway, Rachel H., Poulton, Terry., Jivram, Trupti., 2014. Decision PBL: A 4-year retrospective case study of the use of virtual patients in problem-based learning. Medical Teacher, p. 1-9. |
Beaumont, Chris., Savin-Baden, Maggi., Conradi, Emily., Poulton, Terry., 2014. Evaluating a Second Life Problem-Based Learning (PBL) demonstrator project: what can we learn?. Interactive Learning Environments, 22 (1), p. 125-141. |
Hooper, C., Michell, A., Law, S., Jivram, T. and Somasunderam, A., 2012. Ethical Virtual Patients, MedEdWorld Publish, [online] Available at: www.mededworld.org. |
Hooper, C., Jivram, T., Law, S., Michell, A. and Somasunderam, A., 2012. Using virtual patients to teach medical ethics, medical law and medical professionalism. Medical Teacher, 34(8), p. 674-675. |
Rampling, J., O’Brian, A., Hindaugh, K., Woodham, L. and Kavia, S., 2012. Using an online virtual environment in psychiatric problem-based learning. The Psychiatrist, 36, p, 391-396. |
Guise, V., Chambers, M., Conradi, E. and Kavia, S., 2011. Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training. Nurse Education Today, 32(6), p. 683-689. |
Poulton, T. and Balasubramaniam, C. Virtual patients: a year of change. Medical Teacher, 33(11), p. 933-937. |
Savin-Baden, M., Tombs, C., Poulton, T., Conradi, E., Kavia, S., Burden, D. and Beaumont, C., 2011. An evaluation of implementing problem-based learning scenarios in an immersive virtual world. International Journal of Medical Education, 2, p. 116-124. |
Kononowicz, A. A., Zary, N., Davies, D., Heid, J., Woodham, L., and Hege, I., 2011. Push and pull models to manage patient consent and licensing of multimedia resources in digital repositories for case-based reasoning. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169, p. 203-207. |
Evangelia, M., Taibi, D., Giordano, D., Dietze, S., Yu, H. Q., Bamidis, P., Bratsas, C. and Woodham, L., 2011. Connecting medical education resources to the Linked Data cloud: the mEducator RDF Schema, store and API. In: Linked Learning 2011: the 1st International Workshop on eLearning Approaches for the Linked Data Age, 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2011). Heraklion, Greece 29 May 2011. |
Online e-assessment: Viewpoint. Poulton T, Conradi E, Round J, Med Teach, 2010. |
Mitsopoulou, E., Woodham, L., Balasubramaniam, C., Poulton, T., Protopsaltis, A. and Dietze, S., 2010. mEducator: multi type content repurposing and sharing in medical education. The Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Newsletter, 1(22), p. 26-28. |
Round, J., Conradi, E. and Poulton, T., 2009. Improving assessment with virtual patients. Medical Teacher, 31(8), p. 759-763. |
Conradi, E., Kavia, S., Burden, D., Rice, A., Woodham, L., Beaumont, C., Savin-Baden, M. and Poulton, T., 2009. Virtual patients in a virtual world: Training paramedic students for practice. Medical Teacher, 31(8), p. 713-720. |
Round, J., Conradi, E. and Poulton, T., 2009. Training staff to create simple interactive virtual patients: the impact on a medical and healthcare institution. Medical Teacher, 31(8), p. 764-769. http://informahealthcare.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01421590903127677 |
Poulton, T., Conradi, E., Kavia, S., Round, J. and Hilton, S., 2009. The replacement of ‘paper’ cases by interactive online virtual patients in problem-based learning. Medical Teacher, 31(8), p. 752-758. http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01421590903141082 |
Ellaway, R., Poulton, T., Smothers, V. and Greene, P., 2009. Virtual patients come of age. Medical Teacher, 31(8), p. 683-684. |
Campbell, G., Miller, A. and Balasubramaniam, C., 2009. The role of Intellectual Property in Creating, Sharing and Repurposing Virtual Patients. Medical Teacher, 31(8), p. 709-712. |
Zary, N., Hege, I., Heid, J., Woodham, L., Donkers, J. and Kononowicz, A. A., 2009. Enabling interoperability, accessibility and reusability of virtual patients across Europe – design and implementation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150, p. 826-830. |
Kononowicz, A. A., Heid, J., Donkers, J., Hege, I., Woodham, L. and Zary, N., 2009. Development and validation of strategies to test for interoperability of virtual patients. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150, p. 185-189.Savin-Baden, M., Tombs, C., White, D., Poulton, T., Kavia, S. and Woodham, L., 2009. Getting Started with Second Life. JISC, [online]Â http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/publications/gettingstartedwithsecondlife.pdf |
Ellaway, R., Poulton, T., Fors, U., McGee, J. B. and Albright, S., 2008. Building a virtual patient commons. Medical Teacher, 30(2), p. 170-174. |
Balasabramaniam, C. and Poulton, T., 2008. eViP: Electronic virtual patients. The Higher Education Academy, 16, p. 6-7. |
Miller, A., Balasubramaniam, C. and Poulton, T., 2008. Intellectual property issues – coming to an institution near you! The Higher Education Academy, 17, p. 6-7. |
Burden, D., Conradi, E., Woodham, L., Poulton, T., Savin-Baden, M. and Kavia, S., 2008. Creating and assessing a virtual patient player in Second Life. In: ReLIVE 08 – Proceedings of Researching Learning in Virtual Environments International Conference. Milton Keynes, UK 20-21 November 2008. Milton Keynes |
Smothers, V., Ellaway, R. and Balasubramaniam, C., 2008. eViP: sharing virtual patients across Europe. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 6, p. 1140. |