The e-Learning Unit is involved in a number of different projects to develop and evaluate Virtual Patients (VPs) for their applicability in a medical and healthcare programme. A VP is defined as: ‘an interactive computer simulation of real-life clinical scenarios for the purpose of medical training, education, or assessment’.
FIND OUT MORE- ECG Genius: To help students develop and test knowledge on ECG interpretation.
- The Genetics Counselling App (TGCA): Visual explanation of chromosomes from body to gene level and most common types of Mendelian inheritance.
- RevisePsych: Psychiatric assessments, Diagnosis, Treatments and Services.
- i-Author: Allow academics and teachers to create Virtual Patient scenarios that can be delivered to students with ease
- MedEdEthics: Ccollection of medical ethical and legal scenarios aimed to provoke thinking around ethico-legal decision making that imitates the real clinical setting.
Interactive Clinical Images (ICI) allow learners to review a clinical image, whether a photograph, scan or X-ray, or ECG, and to interpret, mark and annotate the images to display the key features that they identify within the image. The ICI tool then allows an expert annotation to be overlaid, so that learners can formatively assess their own efforts. ICIs are designed to supplement other resources and learning experiences, and can be embedded into other platforms, from websites to Virtual Patients.